
Actual and demanded competences of the sales Manager and his employees. How reality changes stereotypes


  1. Important causes and consequences of the communication system
  2. Why 99% of offers are not interesting to anyone
  3. "No!" as the beginning of a successful sales
  • Sales functions (are you sure, you know?)
  • Transformation of the sales funnel
  • How sales guys' iniciative to manage
  • «About company and product» – "you will not have a second chance to make a first impression"
  • How to prepere the offer for meeting with B2B-customer
  • 5 typical mistakes of sales guys in communications
  • Features of the psychology of perception and ways to change the opponent's opinion
    1. Everything you wanted to know about the Dealer network
    2. CRM. Nuances of using
    3. KAM and Strategic partnership as a main value and growth driver of company
    4. Work with complaints and the Modern Concept of service
    • Dealership and distribution. The consequences of misunderstanding of the difference. You and your dealer about the reasons for the adjustment of mutual expectations.
    • The development of the dealership. Opinions from different sides of the barricade. Tools and techniques. "Pitfalls" of the dealer network
    • Excel vs CRM. Is the choice always obvious? Experience of implementing CRM in several companies. How it happens and what you need to be ready for
    • B2B/B2B2C: Who is "in control" of management of development of the relationship between the supplier and the buyer. On the rules of mutual manipulation.
    • "Your company does not work with complaints!"or why the service Department doesn't like to be invited to Department meetings
    • Show me your "Help" button"
      1. Sales channels (B2B, B2B2C, B2C, franchising)
      2. Omni-channel
      3. Product management
      4. Pricing method
      • About cannibalism of sales channels. In search of compromise between " I want - I can - I have to"
      • "Say" Omni-channel?"The conflict of modern technologies, "which are buried" the company in the eyes of customers
      • Why product management is not only the ADC(D) analysis
      • Segment or product Manager? When they're worth thinking about. About difficult tasks and functions
      • Product or market - the logic of segmentation and management
      • 3 components of pricing
      1. Planning and budgeting methods. Implementation
      2. The logic and criteria of the budget
      3. Performance evaluation and training system
      • Does everyone need a budget: objectives, data, logic, and methods - "shaken, not stirred"
      • Sales and marketing budget: how and which tasks do set?
      • The planning stages and criteria of the budget
      • The most well-known budgeting models
      • Performance assessment system - why and how do conduct?
      • Competence model and training system - the main driver of the company's growth or an important element of the formation of the personnel reserve
        1. Commercial policy of the company
        2. The map of competencies and motivation system
        3. Basic sales strategies and risk map
        • Ready sales guy for 2 weeks. How to quickly and efficiently to prepare a new employee
        • What is it communication matrix and why it often turns into a telephone directory
        • How a couple of well-organized and attentive sales guys can replace a whole analytical Department
        • On the importance of end-to-end motivation system. What your employees need to know about it logic.
        • 3 "golden rules" of the working motivation system
        • How to prepare for a similar conversation with an employee about motivation
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